Why Women Read More Than Men
Friday, September 28, 2007
Here's an interesting article from Eric Weiner about reading. He writes "Surveys consistently find that women read more books than men, especially fiction. Explanations abound, from the biological differences between the male and female brains, to the way that boys and girls are introduced to reading at a young age."
He goes on to say "One thing is certain: Americans—of either gender—are reading fewer books today than in the past. A poll released last month by The Associated Press and Ipsos, a market-research firm, found that the typical American read only four books last year, and one in four adults read no books at all. "
We at Portage want to change that for your children and our students. Get involved with your students in reading. Children see that you read, they will also want to be involved. Find the rest of the article by clicking here. Hope you find it interesting too.